After a couple of months hard work we are finally ready to launch the Awesome Plugins website. This website is the project of Tatemae a small but efficient WordPress plugin company working from The Netherlands and Spain.
We have a 10 year background in WordPress, mainly developing WordPress applications for large clients all over the world. In the past years we created a large WordPress codebase with all kind of useful solutions developed together with our clients. Last year we decided it was time to share part of the codebase with the WordPress community by releasing some plugins in the WordPress repository, we are working on that now and will release a couple of plugins in the coming months. The premium versions of the plugins will be available on a license base only sold on this website.
Our plugins are mainly focused on WordPress developers being able to quickly install a user friendly backend that can be updated with a custom design for the frontend, the plugins are lightweight and well documented, also we will release tutorials to explain how you can tweak our plugins to fit your needs.
We built this site using our dbaser framework that we use as a base for all our client websites also working on releasing a version for the community later this year. We are aiming to make some money on selling plugins and for that we installed Easy Digital Downloads Premium. We included the Mailchimp extension for our newsletter, the Stripe and Paypal extensions for payment and the License extension to handle the licenses.
In the coming months our main focus is to release free plugins in the WordPress repository, extend them with a premium version and write tutorials to explain how you can use them. Next to using this website as a base for our own code we also want to use it to share our knowledge of 3rd party plugins that we think are useful and that we use a lot on our projects. Also I will write some blogs about our experiences and progress on managing this new Awesome Plugins website.
If you want to keep up to date on our new plugins, tutorials and progress subscribe to our newsletter.